“How is faith to endure, O God, when you allow all this scraping and tearing on us? You have allowed rivers of blood to flow, mountains of suffering to pile up, sobs to become humanity’s song — all without lifting a finger that we could see. You have allowed bonds of love beyond number to be painfully snapped. If you have not abandoned us, explain yourself…We strain to hear God in our sorrows. But instead of hearing an answer we catch the sight of God himself scraped and torn. Through our tears we see the tears of God… through the tears of God we see the splendor of God.” - Nicholas Wolterstorff, Lament for a Son
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Posted: March 9, 2023
Posted: February 23, 2023
“Hidden roots work in hidden ways; unless you dig around to find them, you may never see them until they have sprouted and you have done or said something cruel that shocks you. … If you don’t deal with your wrath through forgiveness, wrath can make you a wraith, turning you slowly but surely into a restless spirit, into someone who’s controlled by the past, someone who’s haunted.” — Timothy Keller, Forgive
Posted: January 30, 2023
“All great and precious things are lonely.” — John Steinbeck
Posted: November 30, 2022
“It is a miracle when we see the precarity of others and we decide to carry the weight of their stretchers instead worrying about the groceries.” — Kate Bowler
Posted: October 25, 2022
“The beginning of culture and the beginning of humanity are one and the same because culture is what we were made to do. There is no withdrawing from culture. Culture is inescapable. And that’s a good thing.” — Andy Crouch
Posted: September 26, 2022
“You live in a deranged age, more deranged than usual because in spite of great scientific and technological advances, man has not the faintest idea of who he is or what he is doing.” — Walker Percy
Posted: August 31, 2022
“Here is the world. Beautiful and terrible things will happen. Don’t be afraid.” — Frederick Buechner
Posted: July 27, 2022
“Power at the expense of the gospel is not a power the church should ever seek.” — Dr. Gerald Sittser
Posted: May 30, 2022
“During this time of our exile and wondering, we say ‘alleluia’ to cheer us on our way. At present ‘alleluia’ is for us a traveler’s song; but by a toilsome road we are sending our way toward home and rest.” — St. Augustine
Posted: April 24, 2022
“And where is Jesus, this strange Easter day? Not lost in our locked churches, anymore Than he was sealed in that dark sepulchre. The locks are loosed; the stone is rolled away, And he is up and risen, long before, Alive, at large, and making his strong way Into the world he gave his life to save, No need to seek him in his empty grave. ” Malcolm Guite, “Easter 2020″